year I

Sunday Sketchbook is a collection of drawings made for fun.

Hi there 👋
In September 2022 I started drawing insects as an exercise to improve my pencil skills, but more than anything as a way to relax and clear my mind from daily work.

The idea was to make a drawing of a bug every Sunday and hang it somewhere. I started posting my bugs on Twitter using the hashtag #bugoftheweek

After a few months doing this, I started thinking to move them into their own space. Maybe even with some digital variables… who knows, this is a personal space to relax, go crazy with the pencil and do weird things that I can’t do at work.

Here’s a selection of bugs from my Sunday Sketchbook:

But why insects?

Insects are fascinating and not just because they are weird like no other being on this planet. Insects pollinate ~85% of wildflowers and about 75% of all agricultural crops. They are key to our existence.

Yes, many of them are considered pests, but without most of them many things simply wouldn’t exist. Several studies have shown how they are disappearing at worrying rates.

This blog is all about relaxing and having fun. But hopefully through humor, we can stop killing everything that has way too many legs and enjoy the uniqueness of insects a little more.

If you want to better understand what I mean by its relevance, I invite you to read this article from Pennsylvania State University. Or spend a few minutes looking at this piece made by my former colleagues at Reuters.

About the Author:

Marco Hernandez

I’m a graphics editor at The New York Times. I have a degree in design and a postgrad in arts. I spend a portion of my Sundays learning about bugs and relaxing with pencil and paper.

I have another blog to talk about work, where I take things a little more seriously, have a look if you have a few spare minutes: