Week 31

Have you ever wondered why dragonflies have that strange shape???? Their wing muscles are huge and then they have this tube-like end… for what?

Maybe it has something to do with aerodynamics, like in helicopters to stabilize their flight… But one thing is for sure, it’s a bit inconvenient if you stumble around with some little rascals and you’re a little distracted.

It is enough to look closely at little Aine to realize her intentions… She is the perfect accomplice who has distracted the clueless Alberto the dragonfly.

I hope you are having a great weekend, don’t forget to come back to my blog next week.

I do this nonsense just for the fun. But it’s an added boost to know someone else is enjoying it and that it might come back to see what’s new in the fantasy world of bugs.

See you next week!

Week 30

Fireflies are amazing, but isn’t weird they use their butts to communicate…

Maybe it works between them, but for sure isn’t a interspecies thing isn’t? Like, do you realize you are talking to my butt right?

Have a great weekend!

Week 29

I was amazed by this fact about silkworms, that was more than enough reason to choose a alien-looking bug that week back in April.

I guess they are also hard workers with little time for the triviality of everyday life. Even so, there are certain things from which you have no escape.

Get some silkworms if you want help with laundry, they are great! 🤣
See you next week with another silly bug joke.

Week 28

It’s not about quickly finishing… but about doing it well. At least that is the snail’s philosophy, I would say. This week is snailsophy to paint yellow a wall, I think they did just ok:

The paper version of this one was made on April 2.

Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to come back next week to the world of silly giant bugs.

Week 27

Who’s ready for the 4th of July fireworks?

This fun little spider landed in my sketchbook on March 26.

I hope you have a fun and safe celebration, full of emotions, just like if you turned into a kid again… And if you see a giant spider, don’t forget they dance wonderfully!

See you next week!


Week 26

It still amazes me that we know so little about scorpions, particularly the fact that we don’t know why they glow under UV. Can you imagine an alternate universe where we can use that to our advantage? I mean, It could be the end of little toes stubbed on furniture while searching in the dark.

Silly joke based in something true, here’s the original paper version of the bug from last March:

I guess it had to be a dark background to make the joke about the girl looking for the key chain in a blackout, other serious stuff would be where you leave the scorpion when the power comes back on… hahaha.

Anyway, I also like these other alternatives below, what do you think?

Have a great week.

Week 25

Have you ever wondered what would have happened to you if you had chosen another career? In an alternate universe, I’m a clown making bug-shaped balloons for the kids.

Paper version:

This is a special week, last Sunday was Father’s Day. I created this blog to put nonsense silly humor, but sometimes thoughts cross my mind.

Celebrating Father’s Day, I reflect on what it means, there are many important things, perhaps one of them is raising our children to be brave enough to say what they want or like, no matter who tells them otherwise.

Happy Father’s Day!

Week 24

Richard the bug gives his best every day at his job as a waiter. But for some unknown reason, he doesn’t manage to get good tips. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t gotten shoes in beetle size yet… who knows.

Here’s the paper version of Richard the bug from March 5th:

This week’s illo had a subtle color, but here’s one with no base color, part of my usual process:

Have a great weekend, and don’t forget to comeback next week for more silly jokes and bug illos.

Week 23

Have you ever had that feeling when you go on vacation that you forgot something at home?

Here’s the original on paper from February 27, 2023:

I didn’t realize I made snout beetles so close to each other, last week I made another beetle like this for February. So this week I decided to connect them with the car theme. I guess next week I’ll go back to the original idea of the people around. Mean while a little more of this week’s bug:

A flat version



Don’t forget to comeback next week for more silly jokes!


Week 22

There’s nothing like the feeling of the wind blowing through your shell, maybe the only way to make it better is to share it with your weirdo two-legged friends who need to ride a metal beetle to feel the wind…

This is how this buddy looked on paper when I first did it on paper on February 20:

Some screen grabs from this week, the car draft:

Re-doing this beetle, I started with the eye and the legs, then I noticed that at this point it looked a bit more like an alien creature than a bug… maybe that’s why it makes me uncomfortable when someone is looking over my shoulder 😅

Even with 2 legs it still doesn’t make much sense, I guess the essence of a beetle is in its distinctive trunk-shaped back.

See you next week!


Week 21

When you have a rather large caboose, playing hide-and-seek is not as easy as it seems. But it could be a fun time… Hey, I can still see your tail, and it would help if you don’t chirp while hiding, c’mon try again:

This buddy first showed up o paper on February 2023, if you are not familiar with my blog here’s a short explanation why I’m embedding these tweets:

In September 2022, I started doodling bugs in a sketchbook, I kept doing it every Sunday as a way to clear my mind and have a little fun. So, I came up with the idea of putting them all together in one place (this blog), but placing them in a fantasy situation, in a silly joke. These are digital versions of my every-Sunday bug doodles.

If you like this silly world of bugs, come back next week for another dose of #bugoftheweek.


Week 20

Bobby was doing well in college, even if he had gotten helmets in his size he might have had a future in sports.

At the moment, Bobby is on pause doing a part-time job, but he’s starting to notice a pattern:

Here’s the original on paper from February 5:

You may consider pizza for dinner today? After all is weekend, yeah why not… Maybe you are lucky and Bobby will deliver for you, who knows…

Have a great weekend, and remember to comeback for fun next week.


Week 19

This week we have olympian bugs, I guess an ox beetle isn’t the fastest to compete on a sprint, but they try anyway… meanwhile, right at the starting line, their eyes water at the thought of winning gold this time:

So, get on your marks… set, go >>> A few more snapshots of the this week bug:

Here’s the original paper version of the ox beetle from January 29:

Don’t let this beetle down, it will be waiting for you next week.
Hopefully with a new bug friend:


Week 18

Itsy Bitsy got tired of spinning webs, so he went for a swing, luckily Itsy has useful giant horns…

Here’s the original paper version from January 22. Unfortunately that day I was a little sleepy and tweeted with a typo turning this spider’s name into something else. 🤪 It should be a Long-horned Orb-weaver spider.

A few captures from the backstage:

See you next week, and remember not to take life so seriously!



Week 17

Is time for conga!

I have to admit that ever since I first did this on paper, I had that idea in my head, I was like… oh, how about a dance pose for this week? I leave you the paper version that I made during the second week of January 2023.


Music gives color to life, so let’s enjoy together

Don’t forget to come visit my hobby weekend next week! There is a new bug every Sunday.

Week 16

Isn’t it nice to sit back and relax on the weekends? In a parallel world where insects are not just giants, but live among us as a community, there must be a fly-washing service. Yes, one of those places to relax, spread your wings and get a good scrub.

The paper version from January 8th👇

Plus some more stuff of the fly-washing service. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

See you next week!

Week 14

I know nothing about ballet, but probably artists develop their super strong thighs and legs. Just like this dancer from beetle lake. Back in December 2022, I picked up this bug for a doodle because I got impressed with its thighs. Maybe he’s a dancer, what do you think?

See you next week!

Week 12

See, I told you, the backflip trick isn’t as easy as it looks!

Here’s the original from December 11th.

For those curious, these are made in Photoshop. I usually start with outlines using custom brushes, then adding a neutral base on which I work color starting with basic shades.

The final step is the hues that I apply on the same shading layer, one or two brushes can make it and that’s it:

See you next week!

Week 11

I really admire people with skating skills, especially those who make it look so easy and natural. I tried ice skating a couple of times and could barely stand up, I was hanging from the bar over the sides of the rink… It was so embarrassing that I now enjoy ice skating from the safety of a chair, off the rink and with hot cocoa.

Probably, even a cicada can do better than me on ice.

This was the original on paper from December 4th:

And as usual, here’s a little more about this week’s bug:

Have a good weekend, and enjoy the ice for me if you are one of those who make me look bad.

Week 10

Ridding a Darwin Wasp, yeehaw! But wait, maybe not as easy as one might think, what about the headwind current? Maybe you should leave the hat at home.

Here’s the original doodle from Nov. 27, 2022:

Here’s a bit more about the process and the different color variations I tried for this brave rider:

See you next week!

Week 9

For years I have had a recurrent dream that I can fly. Maybe it’s because in a parallel universe, where anything is possible, I was a flight instructor for bugs.

Here’s the original doodle from Nov. 20, 2022:

Some of the outlines from the progress of this week’s bug:

Keep dreaming, keep flying… even if it’s only while you sleep. After all, it’s been fun for me all these years.

Week 8

Mealybugs are not only funny but also famous. In fact, sometimes I would also like to roll myself out of a places and just let the flow carry me until the momentum runs out. Wouldn’t that be fun? Then just stand and said what?, don’t you do that too?

I think I’d feel almost indestructible rolling up and down, jumping up and down like it’s no big deal. Although maybe others would probably worry about me.

Original from Nov. 13, 2022:

Have fun, enjoy your Sunday,
and see you again next week for a new crazy bug doodle

Week 7

Beetles are my favorite little creatures (although some not so small). Their design is amazing and the wide range of species is also fascinating… what can I say, I love beetles.

Here’s a fun variation of the first bug of the week that I did in November 2022:

Original paper+pen:
Nov. 6, 2022

And here is a little of the process of creation of the beetle species that throws children into the air to make them laugh:

Life is too short not to get a good laughs time to time… this beetle knows it.