year II, week 2

A look of desire, a sigh of passion… This week’s creature comes from the time of the Roman Empire, it has captivated our imagination for centuries, and has even remained an influence on the screens as it was for Disney’s 1940 Fantasia and Guillermo del Toro’s 2006 Pan’s Labyrinth.

Yup, I’m talking about fauns, along with satyrs (the greek origin), they have popularly been associated with lovers of wine, music, dancing, and women.

A Fail in Concept

We are just in week 2 and I ran into trouble with my concept for these series. Obviously the ancient roman empire did not used iso codes, I found that ZZ is used for unknown or unspecified countries, so my solution for this week was the first zz hahaha. There so many good ones in places that no longer exist as country that it would be a little difficult not to repeat Zz.

This was the paper draft of this week’s creature:

Enjoy your Sunday, and see you next week!

year II, week 1

Hey there, I’m back!

After a pause to rest, to think about what else I could do besides bugs, and to have a lot of originals on paper. This cycle will visit 52 countries, to bring crumbs of their folklore as weekly illustrations. I have added a little explanation of the elements on each illo here along with my motivation.

As you might imagine for the hint above, this week myth comes from Japan. It’s inspired by the Japanese believe that objects can also adquiere spirits. One in particular, the Chōchin’obake, a lantern with spirit.

I posted the paper draft a long time ago on Tumblr, all the upcoming creatures are there or will be soon. But you may want to stay on this blog to see the digital versions arrive little by little without spoilers 😉

See you next week!