Week 31

Have you ever wondered why dragonflies have that strange shape???? Their wing muscles are huge and then they have this tube-like end… for what?

Maybe it has something to do with aerodynamics, like in helicopters to stabilize their flight… But one thing is for sure, it’s a bit inconvenient if you stumble around with some little rascals and you’re a little distracted.

It is enough to look closely at little Aine to realize her intentions… She is the perfect accomplice who has distracted the clueless Alberto the dragonfly.

I hope you are having a great weekend, don’t forget to come back to my blog next week.

I do this nonsense just for the fun. But it’s an added boost to know someone else is enjoying it and that it might come back to see what’s new in the fantasy world of bugs.

See you next week!

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